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The meeting logo shows the picture of Branca Edmée Marques, a Portuguese Scientist (1899-1986) which obtained her PhD in 1935 in Paris under the supervision of the Nobel Prize Marie Curie, and was the founder of the Radiochemistry Laboratory in the University of Lisbon.


Following the success of the I International Amonet Meeting "Women in Science" held in Lisbon in 2006, we are happy to announce the II International Amonet Meeting "Women Empowerment in Science" that will take place at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon) on 12th and 13th of October 2009.

The meeting is promoted by AMONET, the Portuguese Association of Women in Science, and will bring to discussion several issues regarding women empowerment in science.


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Meeting Press Release



Scientific Committee:

Organizing Committe:

Helena Pereira (ISA-UTL) President of AMONET

Maria João Bebiano (UAlg)

Maria João Marcelo Curto (INETI)

Lígia Amâncio (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia)

Teresa Santos (UE)

Carola Meierrose de Araújo (UE)

Lucinda Vaz (UTAD)

Ana Campos (UM)

Glória Garcia (UCP)

Rosa Paiva (FCT-UNL)

Elvira Fortunato (FCT-UNL)

Paula Antunes (FCT-UNL)

Maria José Costa (FC-UL)

Helena Pereira (ISA-UTL) President of AMONET

Ana M. Lobo (FCT-UNL)

Zenaide Silva (FCT-UNL)

Maria José Gonçalves (FCT-UNL)

Florbela Pereira (FCT-UNL)

Maria Manuel Marques (FCT-UNL)

Vasco Bonifácio (FCT-UNL)

Ana Maria Faísca Phillips (FCT-UNL)

Ana Lourenço (FCT-UNL)

Maria do Céu Costa (INETI)

Lucélia Pombeiro (INETI)

Teresa Nogueira (INETI)

Maria de Lourdes Machado (CIPES)



Honour Committee:

Celso Souza (Embassador of Brazil)

Charles Buchanan (Fundação Luso-Americana)

João Caraça (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)

Leonor Beleza (Fundação Champalimaud)

Luísa Prista (European Union, Commission)

Rui Vilar (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)

Elza Pais (Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género)



Conference Secretariat:


Maria Manuel Marques (FCT-UNL)


Vasco Bonifácio (FCT-UNL) - Registration








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Webdesign: Vasco Bonifacio
