List of speakers
Alexandre Quintanilha, IBMC, ICBAS, University of Porto, Portugal
"Understanding and communicating Risk"
Ana Serrador, European Comission, Brussels
"DG Education and Culture"
Beatriz de Mello Corrêa, Technical School of Nursery, Ex-Director, Lisbon, Portugal
"Women in Contemporary Nursing"
Cecilia Jarlskog, University of Lund, Sweden
"Women and the Nobel Prizes in Science"
Conceição Nogueira, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal
"Explaining the presence of women in Science in Portugal: the role of psychosocial and structural factors"
Dusa Mcduff, University of ?Stony Brook, USA
"A Life in Mathematics"
Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
"What Statistics say and what they hide"
Evelyne Andreewsky, University of Paris, France
"Institutional hierarchies, women, science, and some other related things"
Alexandra Silva, Heloísa Perista, CESIS, Lisbon
"MOBISC Living with Science: Time for Private Life and Time for Work - a Gendered Balance?"
Isabel Beuter, CEWS, University of Bonn
"The German national node CEWS and some of its activities"
Isabel do Carmo, University of ?Lisbon, Portugal
"Women in Endocrinology"
Liisa Husu, University of Helsinki, Finland
"Sexism in academia: still going strong?"
Maria José Gonçalves, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
"Scientist women perceptions of their work conditions and career development"
, European Comission, Brussels
"Women and Science politics at the European Union level"
, University of Aichi, Japan
"Recent Developements of the Status of Women Scientists in Japan"
Michele Leduc, École Normal Superieur - ENS, Paris, France
"Scientific careers: male/female equality, when, how?"
?Patricia Garcia Guevara, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
"Gender equality in engineering in Mexico"
, University of? Porto, Portugal
"Women and Scientific Employment: Current Perspectives from Portugal"
, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal
"So many and yet so few: a statistical illustration of women career progression in Science in Portugal"
Teresa Benito, University of Salamanca
"Women's Old Age"
Teresa Ferreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
"The role of women in Portuguese forest science and forestry"
Teresa Lago, Center for Astrophysics of University of Porto -CAUP, Portugal
"What is the difference? The perspective of an astrophysicist"